To Live or Not to Live: That is the Question.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
"In the absence of belief in some transcendent being or ultimate (for example, God), human life lacks meaning and is not worthwhile." <Tab/>This is The Meaning of Life Thesis. Early 20th century, Russian philosopher Leo Tolstoy is partial to the thesis. He believes that without a belief in a higher reality, there is no sense in living. On the other hand, E.D. Klemke, a late 20th century philosopher and …

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…standpoint would, therefore, be agnostic because the person doubts a god or higher being as opposed to completely accepting an ultimate being as false. <Tab/>As I said before, though, there is no way to know what to certainly believe without a blatant revelation. Until there is such a revelation, the issue of whether or not there is a higher reality or whether life is worthwhile will continue to be debated.