To Kill a Mockingbird

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Essay Database > Literature > English
To Kill a Mockingbird To Kill a Mockingbird is a narrative written by Harper Lee. By definition T.K.A.M is a mediated presentation of a causally connected series of actions involving characters in conflict. Harper Lee uses mediation to create a theme that illustrates the injustices of prejudice, intolerance, and quick judgments of others. Harper Lee choose the setting as an imaginary (Maycomb) county in Alabama during the 1930's. She set the story …

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…given traditionally because she is a woman. Harper Lee succeeds in showing us the place of a lady in Maycomb, anywhere but the business of Maycomb. Harper Lee uses all of the judgments and prejudice in Maycomb to paint a vivid picture of a town that clings to past and the way things have always been. Harper Lee's descriptions show the fault in the townspeople ability to examine the present and progress into the future.