To Kill a Mockingbird

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Essay Database > Literature > English
To Kill A Mockingbird takes place in Maycomb Alabama. The characters in this book are; Jean Louise Finch also known as Scout who is the narrator of the book she is between the ages of six and eight in the book. She is a tomboy and loves to play with her brother Jeremy Finch who is also known as Jem. Jem is between the ages of ten and thirteen during the book. Another character is …

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…mockingbirds. Hopefully this is just a book to make you think because I know I have been. I always learn from books like these because they always have a part of history in it. Like this was about the depression and the differences from the whites and blacks. I also loved the characters in this book they were all unique,different, and realistic, so I could kind of relate to how they live there life.