To Kill a MockingBird

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Essay Database > Literature > English
To Kill A Mockingbird - Essay, Unit 9 By: Angelo Michael Tsang In the novel "To Kill A Mockingbird", it is revealed to the reader that adults have a strong influence on children. This theme is mainly expressed by two fathers of the story; Atticus Finch and Bob Ewell. Atticus, is a good father and role model for Jem and Scout, but Bob on the other hand is a poor excuse for a father. He is …

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…become good and kind human beings. Bob Ewell, an uncaring and ignorant man, controls his daughter by fear and allows his son to lead a dishonest and commitment free life. It is clear that children look up to their elders, and that adults are role-models. If adults like Bob Ewell would just wake up and teach the next generation the values that Atticus Finch teaches his children, the world would be a much better place.