"To Kill a Mocking Bird" by Harper Lee.

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Title: Elizabeth Author/Director: Shekhar Kapur Text Type: Film Brief Summary: Set in Elizabethan England, while England is weak and divided. Elizabeth's sister dies and she inherits the thrown facing not just foreign enermies but internal sabotage as well. Propelled by her respect for her fathers legacy, she is determined to rule her people at all costs. Gaining power in court, fighting the French, declining proposal and uniting the Church. Elizabeth undergoes many changes and …

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…perspectives are also change through the discrimination. Being pushed so far down it increases her determination to rise above it. She change by acting the opposite of what is judged to be showing little emotion, set thought out decisions and aggression when needed, characteristic synonymous with a man. This is displayed by, "The word must is not used to Princes...if I choose I have the heart of a man. I am my fathers daughter."