To Kill A Mockingbird1

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Maycomb Weekly Tom Robinson: Guilty or Innocent??? This week in Maycomb there is a bit of a controversy. There is a trial for a black man named Tom Robinson. He is being tried for hurting and raping Mayella Ewell on November 21st. There are two sides to this story. I was lucky enough to be in the courtroom to witness this trial as it took place. In this article, I will examine each of the …

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…the jury to get in. When the jury finally came in-they were gone for a long time trying to decide the outcome of this case-the verdict was ready. They found Tom Robinson guilty of raping and assaulting Miss Mayella Ewell. It was a long a tough trial. The outcome my have been a little one-sided but life is life, and I am sure there will be an appeal to get Tom Robinson free. By: Tom