To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee Basic book report about the Theme of "To Kill A Mockingbird" The Theme I chose was that, "people fear what they don't understand".

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<Tab/>It's a known fact that people fear what they don't understand. This fear of the unknown is simply an extinct of nature and exists in a global scale. The fear of wondering what is beyond that barrier, that darkness, what could be in there? This theme is very clearly stated in the story line and the characters of Harper Lee's "To Kill A Mockingbird". That statement is exactly what this …

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…it should also probably be true that if you actually learn more about these people you will find that they have characteristics similar to Boo Radley, Dolphus Raymond or the Ewells. So to conclude, it is hoped that this paper was insightful and appropriate for your needs. At length it should know be obvious that people fear what they don't understand and that you should try to understand people before you judge and fear them.