To Kill A Mockingbird

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In the Harper Lee's novel To Kill A Mockingbird, we are lead through the lives of two young siblings, Scout and Jem, during two significant years of their childhood. The story is narrated by Scout, the hotheaded daughter of local lawyer Atticus Finch. In court, Atticus represents a black man charged with rapping a Mr. Ewells? daughter Mayella. Which affect everyone in the family some way. This novel is set between 1933 and 1935. The Great Depression …

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…say things about you and your family, you have to learn to deal with them, and go on with your life. This book grabbed my attention and kept me reading. I enjoyed this book very much and it helped me realize that one?s path form childhood to adulthood can be challenging, but somehow, someway you will get through. Everything will happen the way it is meant to and everything turns out for the best.