To Build a Fire

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
In the story "To Build a Fire" by Jack London, there are three principal themes. They are respecting nature, and considering results of actions. The main theme, or universal truth, is heeding warnings. The themes are shown through the character and his actions. The main character in the story had an attitude that prevented him from heeding internal and external warnings. He did not respect nature's power, and therefore he paid with his life. His …

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…the man's dog notices the "tremendous" cold. It wanted to stay by the fire and seek shelter. The man disregarded the warnings of nature, experience, and proof of the dangerous cold. He believed he was infallible. The story effectively shows that failure to heed warnings will lead to adverse repercussions. In the main character's case, it led to his death. The man's attitude thwarts him from taking advice from people, events, facts, or even himself.