To Be Or Not To Be is the title. This

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
The concept of absolute monarchy comes into existence during the early seventeenth century. During this time, most countries were ruled by a single family. The head of that family, a count, duke, king or queen, was in control. The English Monarchs at this time included the Plantagenet and Lancaster dynasty. From these two dynasties came Richard II and Henry IV, two of England's finest kings. Shakespeare, inspired by the ruling of these kings, constructed two …

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…of an absolute monarchy, otherwise he would not present the kings in the fashion that he did. He characterized the kings as brutal bastards. Not once, were the kings praised for the good deeds they had performed. Many of the acts centered around a conflicting problem dealing with the king at the time. Shakespeare depicted these kings the way they really were. He had no shame poking fun of them and did it rather well.