To All Appearance A Lady

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
The banishment of Chinese lepers to D'Arcy Island was an incorrect decision based on both ignorance and racial prejudice. The conflict between the Chinese lepers and the government could have been solved better, in a different way. The Chinese lepers were treated very poorly, violating their basic civil rights. The government of both Victoria and Canada turned a blind eye upon the Chinese, and leprosy in Canada. Ignorance among Canadians was a major factor in …

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…men found to have leprosy. Due to ignorance on the part of the government, these men lived under harsh conditions, and received little to no help. Many of the Chinese upon the Island had their rights violated, and were never apologized to. Prejudice on the governments part played a factor in the poor conditions for lepers. Research could have been done to prevent this horrible occurrence from happening and I hope this never happens again.