Title:The Crimes of Democracy

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
It is about the similarities between ancient greek philosophies of governing and the present day U.S. way of governing and approaches to certain issues. also, the literature that was read was "The funeral speech of Pericles" The Crimes of Democracy When you examine "The Funeral Speech of Pericles", and the manner in which the Athenian democracy is discussed, it is impossible not to imagine the many possible similarities between ancient Athens and present-day United …

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…war. Just like Bob Marley said. ("War in da east, war in da West. War up North, war down South.") When will this world be at peace? When will nations respect each other and their differences?When will the time come where the Pericles' of now will not have to give mass funeral orations like the Pericles of old? I don't think I'll see it in my lifetime. The only thing to do is fight.