Title: Was The Federalists Papers really propaganda in the same sense as the Declaration of Independence and Paine's Common Sense?

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Ithink that the Federalists Papers, the Declaration of Independence, and Paine's Common Sense were all forms of propaganda. Each, however, served topromote different ideas about American life and America as a nation, whether itwas about a different outlook of war, what the government's purpose is, or adefense and justification for the new federal constitution. Inthe first year of the Revolutionary War, many people were still unsure of whatthey were fighting for. At one extreme, people …

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…theory. Despite the Antifederalists efforts, ratification preceded quickly, and in 1788 theConstitution was theoretically possible to go into effect. It can be insinuatedthat the Federalists Papers had a definite impact in the minds of Americans,whose attitudes are usually a reflection of the results of Congress's actions. In conclusion, allof the above can be considered in some way a form of propaganda. It promotedmany practical ideologies, which were intended to benefit the overall welfareof every American.