Title: Truman Capote and In Cold Blood: Pioneer or Playing Writer? This essay details the literary style of Truman Capote's "non-fiction novel" and it's effects on and from society.
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Truman Capote and In Cold Blood: Pioneer or Playing Writer?
Truman Capote, born Truman Streckfus Persons, was one of the most celebrated writers of his time. Constantly in and out of the media, he published more works of literature than he is perhaps known for, and he was often on television show, partly, perhaps, to play the stereotypical homosexual, which he was. He was well known for so-called "Southern gothic" stories, such as The Grass
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that it is a nonfiction novel, it is simply saying that he is allowed to change and distort the truth, and still call it "truth". Capote is allowed artistic license and style choices, which is a part of nonfiction writing, but he is not allowed to change the story to make it better fit to his views on the issues concerning the book and of the course of events which were depicted in the book.
that it is a nonfiction novel, it is simply saying that he is allowed to change and distort the truth, and still call it "truth". Capote is allowed artistic license and style choices, which is a part of nonfiction writing, but he is not allowed to change the story to make it better fit to his views on the issues concerning the book and of the course of events which were depicted in the book.