Title: The Reagan Evolution of the Presidency -- Discusses how the presidency evolved under Reagan, and compares his presidency with that of Ike Eisenhower and Lyndon Johnson.

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Essay Database > History
The Presidency of the United States of America is a dynamic position; many Americans may make the mistake of believing the job is a static one, holding dearly to tradition and custom. The responsibilities intrinsic in the title are never carried out the same way twice, making each president as a snowflake: unique in each his subtle - or not so subtle - ways. In this dynamic position, each holder contributes to the evolving job …

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…higher understanding of just how Reagan's term in the White House changed American politics; the New Deal, long overdue for an overhaul, was outdone by Reagan's aggressive conservative fiscal policies as well as his cautious foreign policies. The resurgence of conservatism soon followed in Reagan's wake, and continues even today. However, as history shows us, the presidency is a position of dynamics - it will only be a matter of time before the tables turn.