Title: The Great Moon Hoax author: Mohammad Basaj

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Pages: 7
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
The Great Moon Hoax Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on The Moon? A program seen on the FOX television network(2/15/01) raised the claim that NASA's Apollo Moon missions were faked ones. The claim was supported by many "anomalies" in Apollo photos taken from the surface of the moon as it should be. David Percy, an Associate of the Royal Photographic Society, told FOX: "Our research suggests that images of the Apollo landings are not a …

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…win space race with Russians: once they realized that they were not able to reach the moon, they could not say oh Russians simply we cannot reach moon. Finally, whether you believe or not what we have presented to day, we hope that we brought important questions that will trigger your minds to think of this story. We believe that Americans were willing to do anything in order to prove their superiority over the world.