Title: The Appalling Affects of Cloning Author: Roy Arthur

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
The year was 1997. Ever since this year, marking the birth of Dolly, the first successfully cloned sheep, man has been in a debacle on whether or not to clone a human being (Evans 1). Imagine walking into class one day, only to find the entire room filled with people who strikingly resemble each other in every genetic way, from the strands of hair on their head to the sole prints of their feet. Telling all of …

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…Religion 41:4 (2002): 747-758. Fiddler, Morris B., Toydemir, Pinar B., and Pergament, E. "To Clone or Not To Clone: Who will Answer the Question?". Differentiation 69 (2002): 182-183. Moran, Jim. "Embryonic Stem Cell Research." Technology & Society 28 August 2003: 41. Sanchez-Sweatman, Louise R. "Reproductive Cloning and Human Health: An Ethcial, International, and Nursing Perspective." International Council of Nurses, International Nursing Review 47 (2000): 28-37. Surani, Azim. "False Impressions on Human Cloning." Reproductive BioMedicine Online: 398- 399. 5 April 2003 <http://www.rbmonline.com/Article/942>.