Title: Prowess of Blazejowski. It elaborates a woman's achievement and success in the field of basketball. It also points out that stereotypes in women.

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PROWESS OF BLAZEJOWSKI Carol Blazejowski, who always made it a point to show up at the local basketball court with her own ball and spent her time playing with boys on pickup courts, was born on September 20, 1956 in New Jersey. She studied at Cranford High School with no girl's basketball team. Since she was born to play basketball, she didn't hesitate to tell the school's athletic director, who was also the boy's basketball team coach …

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…mountains to be on top? It's quite a lifetime for her. Her one little dream bloom like flowers in spring as it gained a lot of branches and marked an incredible history in women's basketball. "I made my mark in history as a player. Now I can make my mark as an executive. My life is basketball and now I can give back to the game, give back to its growth", as Carol ones said.