Title: Pedrito I attempted to converse to the reader two morals.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Pedrito. He never wanted to go outside to play with his friends. He was very afraid of the wind, the sun, and the rain. Everyday his friends would go to his house and ask him to play outside with them. However, Pedrito would say, "No, the sun is too hot. It is so hot that is going to burn my bones." Pedrito's mother used to …

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…should not exaggerate. Exaggerations are never good. We must all know that happiness in life begins with balance. "Balancing, our actions, and words are the key to happiness," my grandpa always used to say. Furthermore, we must listen to the signs of nature. We must have respect towards nature, which is the second moral of the story. Therefore, the two morals are that one should never exaggerate and one should respect the power of nature.