Title: Parallels Between Chauncey Gardiner and Forest Gump. Chauncey Gardiner from story Being There.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
Of all the people that become rich and famous, no one does it like the two main characters from Being There and Forest Gump. The main characters Chauncey Gardiner from Being There and Forest Gump from Forest Gump are both portrayed as the epitome of the meaning of moron. Chauncey ends up to be the person that he is in the story because of his quick tongue, media influence and worldly innocence. Forest Gump ends …

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…is going to become either a head of the First American Financial Corporation or the vice president, and Forest owns a multi-million dollar shrimping business and has a son. Both stories are being shown to an audience that seeks the American Dream. Therefore, being a moron and just sitting on our hands letting everything in the world come to us, while making millions of dollars on the side, is what the American Dream truly is.