Title "Moral Development". It covers the pre conventional, conventional, and post conventional levels of moral devleopment. It is 742 words long ( 3pages.)

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Moral Development You may think that at a certain age a person should be at a certain maturity level, but the fact is that people develop their moral standings at different ages and times in their life. Moral development is the adaptation to the moral world in which we live. Adolescents develop a conscious identity when they are able to think and reason about abstract ideas. They have reached the formal operational stage which is …

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…order to not gain negative attention. As it was said earlier gender may also play a role. Females usually focus on the need to protect enduring relationships and fulfilling human needs. Males focus on the concept of justice that makes it impersonal for them. Everyone is on different levels of reasoning whether their race, age, or gender is the same or not. That is what makes up the diverse world that we live in today.