Title: Lord of the Flies Brief Description: How civilized boys become wild when isolated from society.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
British boys found on island A pack of young boys were stranded on an island and managed to survive without the laws of our civilization, loosing the will of human emotion. Jack, the leader of the most savage-willed group of all, changed from the conformities of a twelve year old British schoolboy, and became an almost barbaric hunter. His seclusion from a well brought up society slowly smoldered out all that he had learned from …

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…Ralph the first leader was found running from a group of boys who later claimed they were hunting him down. The instant the boys realized the figure of a civilized adult standing before them made them recline. They all stopped what they were doing and with a catalytic instant the boys realized in deep shame what they were doing with simple tears. The boys were taken to authorities for identification and returned to their homes.