Title: Lestat Brief Description: A Summary of the book titled, The Vampire Lestat

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Essay Database > Literature > Mythology
The Vampire Lestat Lestat an innocent man is turned into a vampire. His lover and also his master teaches him the way of the vampire. He is told not to associate with the living, their identity must be kept in secret. Lestat ignores this warning and decides to play a violin with a peasant girl and her father. When the father realizes that Lestat is a vampire, the master cuts off his cry for help. …

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…detailed and tries to make the story easy to comprehend and easy to imagine. Yet the reader must be very mature to understand the problems the character are facing and realize as a young adult that most conflicts in the story are faced as an adult later in their lives. It teaches great morals with a bit of a twist of fantasy. The reader will be delighted once he/she begins to read the book.