Title: Homer and The Iliad Task: Write a report on the significance of Homer and the Iliad to ancient Greece and to Western culture.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Homer, who has been known as a historic poet throughout many centuries, was very significant to ancient Greece and to Western culture. He orally passed down two monumental epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey. This is very interesting because it explains why Homer was considered to be the spokesman of oral Greek literature. Although, Homer did not create the plot or the characters of these epics, he is presumed have composed the two, from the …

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…the knowledge that it had. "A work of literature becomes a truly great work of literature when it influences and inspires future generations ". The Iliad does influence and inspire future generations such as today's generation. Therefore the Iliad is a truly great work of literature. This just shows how important and meaningful it was for Homer to compose and orally pass down the Iliad because of how greatly if affected ancient Greece and Western culture.