Title: Bullying in Schools

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Every child has the right to an education and every child has the right to be safe. As adults working in the public education system, it is our duty to provide a safe school environment for all students. In order for schools to be a healthy and safe environment they must be free from violence and be nurturing, caring and respectful of everyone. They must be physically and psychologically healthy, promote sensible risk taking and …

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…caring and respectful of everyone. Resources Bully B'ware. (2003) . Retrieved Nov. 17, 2004, from <Tab/>http://www.bullybeware.com/moreinfo.html Bullying Prevention, Retrieved Nov. 17, 2004, from <Tab/>http://www.stop-violence.org/page.asp?pageID=1&NavID=5 National Institute of Health. (April 24, 2001) . Bullying Widespread in U.S. Schools <Tab/>Retrieved Nov. 17, 2004 from <Tab/>http://www.nichd.nih.gov/new/releases/bullying.cfm