Title: Australia's relations with United States and Great Britain

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Essay Database > History > World History
Australia's relations with Britain and the USA have changed greatly during the 20th century. Australia became a nation on Federation Day- 1st January 1901. However, had still maintained a close relationship with Britain. This can be seen in their participation in the Boer War, celebration of Empire Day on 25th March 1905 and head of state- King or Queen of England. Australia's loyalty and commitment to its mother country is evident in its involvement in World War 1. …

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…that America would not always act in the best interests of Australia. This is evident in the incident where America had helped its wheat exporters to take over Australian markets, this incident had caused both strain and tension between the 2 nations. The ending of the Cold War meant that Australia was no longer reliant on America as its protector. However, in 1991, Australia had joined America in the Gulf War against Iraq due to America's wishes.