Title: Another Brick in The wall: Adaptation Proposal **Assignment description in essay body.
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Pages: 8
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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
Your assignment is threefold. Firsty, discuss the reasons for selcting this particular story. Second, state your reasons for the choice of media. And lastly, in your final remarks attempt to address this question: What is to be gained from the adaptation of this tale?
Pink Floyd crossed many boundaries while working on each and every one of their albums produced in their illustrious career. The idea of incorporating a story through songs on an
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people as possible, and this adaptation tries to ensure just that. Teacher comments: There is potential but you have to admit that it would be a hard sell. You explain and demonstarte the virtues of the story and music but it isn't clear how a production would work. Frankly, without some really compelling reasons I can't see it. You need to think more about market and audience - relevance to, etc. That sort of thing
people as possible, and this adaptation tries to ensure just that. Teacher comments: There is potential but you have to admit that it would be a hard sell. You explain and demonstarte the virtues of the story and music but it isn't clear how a production would work. Frankly, without some really compelling reasons I can't see it. You need to think more about market and audience - relevance to, etc. That sort of thing