Title: Analysis of the Role of Media in Society Considering the Idea of the Public Sphere.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
Analysis of the Role of Media in Society Considering the Idea of the Public Sphere In 1960s, German philosopher Jurgen Habermas posed "the public sphere" theory. "'The public sphere' means a realm of our social life in which something approaching public opinion can be formed. Access is guaranteed to all citizens"(Habermas, 1964: p.49). The public sphere theory helps understand the role of mass media in contemporary society. "The public sphere as a sphere which mediates …

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…the more serious conflicts will not happen. Media connect the public; government and the media sponsor with each other are the tools for them to communicate. The more the three communicate, the more they will understand each other so the decisions and speeches they make will more concern about each other's needs. This communication process is the process that the society commune with itself (Curran, 1991: p. 33). Finally, it will reach the development of human society.