Title: A Transition; the Growth of an Individual Texts Cited: "From Outside, In" by Barbara Mellix "Words Become Us" by Anne E. Imbrie

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Essay Database > Literature
Syntax is an arrangement of words that placed in the proper format, conveys a message to the world. It is very easy to type out a sentence, or write a paper based on the tools you are given from your teacher or professor, but to create your own style and "syntactically" arrange them is a whole new ballgame. Not only must one create their own style in writing, but in speaking as well. The arrangement …

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…ning the words that we speak, it is hard to identify ones personality and style. Mellix was almost luck enough to grow up with two different styles, it was difficult, but she has the power to communicate with the black and white community with ease and no complications. "Identity does not come ready-made" says Imbrie, and it is very true, you live and you learn to be comfortable with yourself and expression, inside and out.