Title- Is Vengeance Victorious In The End? written on the story of Frankenstein Book written by Marry Shelly

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Is Vengeance Victorious In The End? <Tab/> <Tab/>Through out time, there have been many battles and many wars that were sparked by a thirst for revenge, an urge for vengeance. If looked at deeply in history, vengeance seems to have the features of an untamed beast which roams wild and free to destroy as it pleases. Usually, this wild beast, this fueled fire rages on until …

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…had wanted. <Tab/>In conclusion, mankind as a whole will always gamble with the hand of anger and hatred which produces vengeance. Vengeance always destroys at least one victim since if no one is doomed at the end, the seeker would have failed and had reached doom within himself in the end. Until the end of time, this violent way of seeking justice shall forever be a print in man's history.