Title : Describe Potential Forms Of Discrimination In Businesses

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Pages: 16
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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Discrimination any situation in which a group or individual is treated unfavorably based on prejudice, usually against their membership of a socially distinct group or category. Such categories include ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, religion, socio-economic status, age, and disability. Discrimination applying to the equal availability of employment opportunities, housing, and goods and services is widely legislated against. Gender A person now has the right not to be subjected to less favorable treatment on the grounds …

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…mates they should also be taught what they can be done if they are facing any forms discrimination. Also they should try to be aware if they feel that if any of their team mates are being discriminated they should report to a member of staff such as a union leader, who will then try to resolve the problem. They should also be aware of what the consequences are of discriminating anyone within the business.