Title: America: One People, One Voice, One Language? This is an essay on why the United States should allow itself to become bilingual, based on an article in the Detroit News.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
America: One People, One Voice, One Language? <Tab/>Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote that "Every language is a temple, in which the soul of those who speak it is enshrined". However, in America the only true temple is English even though many Americans speak other languages. America is a diverse melting pot that has incorporated people, food, traditions, and beliefs from every corner of the world. However, a key aspect of the …

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…to not allow it would be unconstitutional, and in many respect it has already began. As America is filled with diversity so shall the languages its people speak. However, only time will tell if English will remain the main language of America. Works Cited Carruth, Gorton, and Eugene Ehrlich. The Harper Book of American Quotations. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1988. Sowell, Thomas. "An official language; a united America.' Detroit News 6 Jun. 1997: A9.