Title - SUV's: Are They Really Worth It? This is an argumentive essay favoring anti-suv ideals. It deals with fuel consumption and safety issues.

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Social Sciences
They are everywhere. You can find them every place from traffic jammed city streets to barren rural back roads. They are large, boxy, and not very hard to miss. Since the early 90's, sport utility vehicles have taken the place of the traditional station wagon as the most popular vehicle for the suburban mom. These vehicles have essentially changed our nation's highways. SUV's are categorized by the government as light trucks, which are held to …

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…gt;. "Fact Sheet." Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety. August 2003. 14 October 2003 <http://www.saferoads.org/sec_issues.htm>. "Fast Facts." Environmental Media Services. 14 October 2003 <http://www.ems.org/suv/facts.html>. Halliday, Jean. "SUVs thrive despite bad rap." Advertising Age 29 September 2003: Vol. 74 Issue 39, p4, 2p, 1c, 4bw. Academic Search Premier. 14 October 2003 <http://nadal.loyno.edu>. Hansen, Brian. "Auto Safety." CQ Researcher 26 October 2001. 14 October 2003 <http://nadal.loyno.edu>.