Timothy Findley's novel "Not wanted on the voyage".

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Turning the first page into this novel, Not Wanted on the Voyage by author Timothy Findley, I noticed all the religious excepts from the King James version of the Bible. This mere detail fascinated me, and gave an excellent leap into the chapters that so fourth proceeded. The novel commences with a very slow passing of events.. We, as the reader, are introduced into his figment imagination: the exaggerated setting and characterization of the bible. …

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…it truly breath-taking that Ham still performed the slaughter of the lamb, even through much debate and agony. This situation shapes Ham's character as someone who is brave and willing to give in to majority if necessary. Findley writes the story as if he's writing the bible, and thus unconsciously ridicules it. One identifying this, the bible may be the word of God, but it helps us identify our life and our belief of faith.