Times of Change in British Literature.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Times of Change in British Literature British literature from 1785 through the WWI era was characterized by change, reform and progress. The Romantic Period was an era of "boundless revolutionary hope" and "radical individualism" according to our textbook. Individuals prided themselves in pushing the envelop of social norms and standards. Science, philosophy and psychology were prominent in the Victorian Age. People challenged tradition as well as social norms. And finally in the WWI Era people began …

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…the religion. For Chinua Achebe, he wanted his people to be granted the right to maintain their own religions, customs and government. The time from the late 1700 through the twentieth century was characterized by change and reform. As is seen in these authors and works, our drive for individualism and freedom has a rich history spanning cultures, continents and generations. Authors like Wollstonecraft, Darwin and Achebe altered their days and refocused the way people think.