Timeline of the major events of the evolution of earth
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
408 - 360 million years ago<Tab/> streams. The variety of land plants increased dramatically and the first land animals appear. Tracheophyta, vascular plants, evolved along water's edge supporting a greater diversity of invertabrates like spiders and scorpions. Evidence supporting an episode of global cooling suggests that warm water marine species were the most severely affected when sea levels lowered triggered by a glaciation event on Gondwana.
360 - 286 million years ago <
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appeared in Europe. 200,000 years ago Homo Sapiens come out of Africa and may have interbreed with Neanderthals 10,000 years ago Last great ice age. When the planet's northern polar cap extended over northern Europe, moist Mediterranean air was pushed into equatorial regions by a dominant high pressure system over the icy cap. The climate of the Nile, and Tigris and Eurphrates became considerably more comfortable for human habitation than it is today. Modern human civilization begins.
appeared in Europe. 200,000 years ago Homo Sapiens come out of Africa and may have interbreed with Neanderthals 10,000 years ago Last great ice age. When the planet's northern polar cap extended over northern Europe, moist Mediterranean air was pushed into equatorial regions by a dominant high pressure system over the icy cap. The climate of the Nile, and Tigris and Eurphrates became considerably more comfortable for human habitation than it is today. Modern human civilization begins.