Time to end reverse discrimination.

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Discrimination is still alive and well in the United States, and once again it is legal. Blacks and other minority groups continue to raise havoc every time they are offended or even remotely feel that they were passed over due to their color, true or not. There is one group that still needs to remain quite because it is taboo for them to say that they are discriminated against. That is the white male. I …

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…Spinning Race." Newsweek Oct 2003: htttp://www.msnbc.com/news/861383.asp?cp1=1 Gullet, Dr. Carlos Ray. "Reverse Discrimination and Remedial Affirmative Action in Employment." Public Personal Management Spring 2000: 107-119 Kennedy, James Ronald and Kennedy Walter Donald. The South Was Right. Gretna, LA: Pelican 1998 O'Sullivan, John. "Preferred Members." National Review Sept. 2001: 19-20 Tsang, Chiu-Wai Rita and Dietz, Tracy L. "The Unrelenting Significance of Minority Statuses: Gender, Ethnicity, and Economic Attainment since Affirmative Action." Sociological Spectrum Jan 2001: 61-81 "