Tim Wintons "Cloudstreet" an analysis of the novel.

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ClOUDSTREET By Tim Winton The title, Cloudstreet, although a bit plain, couldn't be more appropriately named as everything that happens within the story revolves around the house nicknamed Cloudstreet. Winton sets this book around Perth, Western Australia, around the time of the second end of the Second World War over a span of twenty years. From reading other Winton novels it's easy to see that his part of the country has had a big impact …

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…does this to convey the importance of a place, Sam Pickles comes to the realization that "you shouldn't break a place, places are strong, important", the house has become apart of who both the families are, and they have shaped the physical and spiritual presence of the house, this becomes noticeable when Sam wants to sell the house, it takes the mysterious black man to stress the importance of the place to who they are.