Tim Robbins' Bob Roberts is a mockumentary that exemplifies the way which direct cinema is used to parallel journalism.
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Bob Roberts: comparable aspirations of direct cinema and journalism Direct cinema can take the film documentary form of journalism in many ways. Tim Robbins' Bob Roberts is a mockumentary that exemplifies the way which direct cinema is used to parallel photo or film journalism, and can often be used to unearth the truth.
Direct cinema is a style of documentary filmmaking which came about as a response to cinema verite, a style which the filmmaker's
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interviews with Raplin as he rants fiercely about Roberts' anti-equality, pro-franchised political views and how it could endanger America at large if he was elected. Manchester's direct cinema filming technique of Roberts' campaign trail achieves many journalistic aspirations. While lacking personal narration and remaining objective, Manchester lets the story unfold itself and leaves the audience to realize the truth. Direct cinema's goal to record and interpret filmed reality in an unhindered manner is thus achieved.
interviews with Raplin as he rants fiercely about Roberts' anti-equality, pro-franchised political views and how it could endanger America at large if he was elected. Manchester's direct cinema filming technique of Roberts' campaign trail achieves many journalistic aspirations. While lacking personal narration and remaining objective, Manchester lets the story unfold itself and leaves the audience to realize the truth. Direct cinema's goal to record and interpret filmed reality in an unhindered manner is thus achieved.