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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Tigers are descended from civet-like animals called niacis that lived during the age of the dinosaurs about 60 million years ago (Dang, 1994). These small mammals, with long bodies and short flexible limbs, evolved over millions of years into several hundred different species, including cats, bears, dogs and weasels. About 37 cat species exist today (Dang, 1994). Tigers evolved in eastern Asia , but it is not exact. Sabre-tooth tigers are not the ancestors of today's tigers. In fact, sabre-tooth …

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…work for several years, the Sunderban tigers have discovered the trick. In no further discussion, tigers are very interesting to learn about. Tigers may be dangerous if you invade their territory. Tigers can be found in open areas and zoos . If you want to see tigers you should go to a zoo. Tigers are becoming extinct because we are invading their territories and we should protect them from going extinct because they are fascinating creatures.