Ths essay is called "Christianity vs. Islamic Religion" and it gives specific comparisions between the two beliefs.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Christianity vs. Islamic Religion Two of the most popular religions in the world are Protestant Christianity and Islamic. Both of these faiths differ and have similarities. One of the major bases of both religions is that there is only one God that created all things, this is known as deity, unlike other religions that believe there are more than one gods. Another detail that both Christians and Muslims agree on is the importance of prayer …

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…Jesus dying for our sins. Instead they believe in a messenger of God known as Muhammad. They do not confuse him with the all mighty himself, but worshiped him. The equivalent to the Christian Bible is the Qur'an. A book of sayings written by prophets. The Islam religion have obligatory prayer which requires them to pray five specific times a day. Fasting and Pilgrimage are two other factors that the Islamic religion devotes time to.