Throughout the colonial period, economic concerns and religious concerns shared the responsibility for the settling of British North America.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
What was the Reason? During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the first British settlers came to reside in North America. With them they brought disease, religion, government, trading systems, and slaves. But why did they come in the first place? Throughout the colonial period, economic concerns and religious concerns shared the responsibility for the settling of British North America. One of the main reasons for British settlement in America was economic concern in England. Between 1500 …

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…Luther, John Calvin preached a more rigorous form of Protestant doctrine and the people who followed in his footsteps were considered radical Protestants; The Presbyterians and the Puritans were the two groups that were formed from these radical Protestants. These two groups started to challenge the authority of the church and King James I rejected all ideas proposed by them which caused the Presbyterians and the Puritans to flee to America to escape religious persecution.