Throughout "The Color Purple" Celie is growing and learning about herself emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

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In the color purple Alice Walker takes the reader through a young colored girl's life. Throughout the novel Celie is growing and learning about herself emotionally, physically, and spiritually. She learns with the help of Sofia and Shug Avery about herself and about other things that go on around her. The fact that Celie is writing to God shows us that she has a way of coping with her horrendous life. In a way God …

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…the world and watches her children grow up. She learns that she's not the only one going through a struggle and it gives her strength to move on. Then she finally gets her own house and is reunited with her sister. Growth from a woman who has nothing, to a woman who owns a house and has friends, family and control of her life is well portrayed by Alice Walker in the character of Celie.