Through Their Eyes. Speaks of Jewish children who were victims of the Holocaust

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
' The loss of parents in early life means loss of the very nucleus of one's own identity. Memory becomes clouded.' ( In the eyes of Children 2) Unfortunately, This statement defined the feeling that millions of suffering children felt as they were taken away from their homes and parents by the nazis. The main goal of the Holocaust was the extermination of every single Jew in Europe. Of course, this included children as well. The purpose …

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…more than any other group of people during World War Two. Apart from various psychological problems, Jewish children dealt with problems such as separation from parents, the fears of hiding, and being pushed out of public schools. It was once said that 'Death Guarded all exits' (holocaust 1) for the Jewish people in Europe. Unfortunately, that motto defined the fate of millions of Europeans between 1941 and 1945 as Nazi Germany gained control of one country after another.