Three types of Deception In Much Ado About Nothing

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
The assertion "Deception by appearances" does apply to Much Ado About Nothing in many ways. Deception plays an important role in this book. Deception is the cause that brings about the effects of the situations. The masked dance, Benedick and Beatrice, Don John deceiving Claudio about Hero, and the Friar at the wedding are a few examples. The three types of deception that I will be classifying are beneficial, cruel, and sorrowful. One type of …

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…purpose and plan. The masked dance is to benefit Claudio and Hero, the deception of Beatrice and Benedick is to benefit their love for another, Don John and his scheme to break Claudio and Hero up is to benefit himself, and the Friar telling of them rumor is to help Claudio realize his love for Hero. Deception played a major role in Much Ado About Nothing, with it; the plot would have been very different.