Three scenes on domestic violence in a small community.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
'IN A POSITION OF POWER' Scene1: A dual kitchen-dining room. The room is sparsely furnished with stained, threadbare and broken furniture; an old, greasy gas stove and chipped cupboards form the kitchen and the dining room consists of a low table and a few broken and mismatched chairs. The house has a few bright touches, photographs or paintings, but they are hanging crookedly from the walls and the rest of the house is a muted, …

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…ne hug their daughter and she responds with a tentative smile. Tom sits back in his chair. He takes a note book and a pen out of his pocket, opens the book and licks his thumb; he flicks through to a blank page, scribbles something down quickly and looks to Jules with pen on the paper. Tom: Jules, are you ready to make that statement? Jules nods, and begins to talk... FADE OUT. THE END!