Three main causes for the fall of the Tsar

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Essay Database > History > European History
The main problems that led to the Tsar's overthrow in Russia in 1917 were particularly linked with the economical situation created in Russia, the fact that the Tsar by March on 1917 lost complete power of his most trusted strengths in his government and also his image was ruined from his recent failures in war and the less of effort the Tsarina did when she took charge of the government when her husband was away. These problems …

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…the social low class and their complains about their lives and the terrible conditions they were living in. Also, the army, one of the most important segments in which the government had total support of, now this was lost. The loss of the Duma, where the Tsar had complete power, now this turned against Nicholas II. All these factors or problems contributed in falling Nicholas' reign and give space to other occurrences in Russian history.