Three events that had the most significant impact on American life...

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Throughout the time period that we have studied, I believe that there were three events that had the most significant impact on American life. Progressivism was the most important outcome from these years. Another major outcome is the Birth Control Movement. The Freedman's Bureau is the last major result from this time period. Between 1865 and early 1920's, the country changed from a rural nation to an urban one. Progressivism is the reform movement of the 1900…

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…up hospitals and operated schools. It played a major role in providing education for African Americans. It also helped settle contract disputes between African American laborers and White planters. The time period between 1865 and the early 1920s was very important to Americans. It changed America from a rural to an urban nation. There were three events that had the most impact on American life. They were Progressivism, the Birth Control Movement, and the Freedmen's Bureau.