Three different theories of social movements using the Civil Rights Movement and the developing Hip Hop Movement of the HSAN as examples.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Sociology 238 Urban Social Movements We must first look at what constitutes a social movement to assess the likelihood that the recent Hip-Hop Summit protests will develop into a full blown social movement. One perspective on the origins of social movements can be referred to as social strain theory. There are a few different variations of strain theory (mass society theory, collective behavior theory, and relative deprivation), which have in common the idea that the "strain" …

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…of the poor and those who are underprivileged. Simmons feels it is more than just a noble goal; it also makes good business sense. Hip-hop has now grown into an international cultural phenomenon. The HSAN is now building a world-class action network to achieve worthwhile and measurable goals. I would take care not to disregard the HSAN or take it too lightly. They have to power to motivate the youth as well as the voters.