Thoughts on "Nickel and Dimed" By Barbara Eihrenreich

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Currently in the United States, millions of working families do not have wages high enough to meet their basic needs. Consequently these families suffer tremendous hardships. Researchers around the country have begun to question the concept that work alone is the answer to poverty. How much does a household need to earn to make ends meet and what other support is needed? In researching the basis for her book, Barbara Ehrenreich became a low wage …

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…born into a middle class family will remain in the same social class when they become adults. So the higher the class a person is in, the higher his chances to remain in it. People who live wealthy (luxury) life have better physical and mental health, they are more involved in political activities, less to be victims of violent crimes and less to be punished for their actions unlikely the poor people with less luxury.